How to Get the Most From Collector Car Classifieds

Collector car classified ads hold a special place in the hearts of automotive enthusiasts. Few are able to keep themselves from picking up one of the colorful newsprint books and leafing through, even if they aren’t in the market for a collector car. In many ways, they are the ultimate car enthusiast’s dream books, and some enthusiasts even maintain collections of the magazines to peruse at their leisure.

get the most out of classic car classifiedsThere are two sides to any classified ad. The seller and the buyer, and each side has to know how best to interact with the other. Sellers have to know how to attract and encourage buyers, and buyers have to know how to negotiate with sellers to get the best deal. To get the best deal for auto insurance, enter your ZIP code into our FREE comparison tool above!

Selling with Collector Car Classifieds

Collector car classified ads almost always use photographs to show readers what is being offered. While these advertisements do cost more to post than a simple three-line description, they are also more effective. Consider for a moment what draws your own eye when you peruse a classified ad or even a standard magazine article. The pictures are there to draw your attention and get you interested in what the article or the advertisement text has to say. If you have to sell your car in a hurry, a color photograph really is the best way to go.

Tips for Taking the Photograph

When photographing the vehicle, keep in mind that you have to put the car’s best foot forward. Look at car magazines to see how professional photographers set up their shots. You’ll notice that there isn’t much to distract the eye from the vehicle itself. Use the following tips to ensure your car looks its best for its time in the limelight.

  1. Avoid photographing the vehicle on a bright, sunny day. This will reduce the potential for glare.
  2. Wash the car thoroughly before taking the photograph
  3. Take several pictures so that you can choose later which ones are the best.
  4. Make certain that the entire car is in the viewfinder when you take the picture.
  5. Avoid including models or other props in the photo. The ad is about the car, after all.
  6. Avoid busy or distracting backgrounds
  7. Set up photographs that show at least three sides of the vehicle. Front or rear, side and top.

Describing the Vehicle

When you describe the vehicle, be honest. Let potential buyers know if the car has specific damage that will have to be attended to. The reason for this is that collector car classifieds typically have a much wider distribution than normal new car classifieds. A potential buyer might travel from several hundred miles to inspect the car, and if they’re disappointed in what they find, you’ll lose their respect, and they may no longer wish to purchase the vehicle from you.

Cover all the basics, while at the same time keeping the wording succinct. List the engine, any rare or desirable options, the vehicle’s condition, and any other pertinent information. This will ensure that your car sells quickly and with a minimum of trouble.

How do I get the most from classic car classifieds?Purchasing a Car Through Collector Car Classifieds

When purchasing a collector car through a classified advertisement, the words “let the buyer beware” should be first on any potential purchaser’s mind. Any deal that seems too good to be true probably is. While there may be the off chance that there’s a woman in Kansas who wants to sell her husband’s Superbird for $50 because she found out he had a second wife somewhere, it isn’t likely, and should be met with considerable skepticism.

The same is true of vehicles that seem overpriced, but are in poor condition. One popular misdirection that some sellers use is by painting or equipping a mundane, everyday car with the components that would make it more rare and valuable. The caveat to this is that the only way the car appreciates in value with such parts is if it was originally equipped that way from the factory. The VIN code on the car tells it’s life story. When you call about a car you’re interested in, ask for the vin code before you agree to meet and see the vehicle. Then, use the VIN to figure out what the car was originally equipped with.

Current values of collector cars can be found in several publications, most of which can be found at your local bookstore. They’ll give the value of a good-condition vehicle that runs and drives based on the current market demand for that car or truck. That will give you a good indication as to whether the seller is being honest about the price of the car or not. Don’t forget to add the cost of insurance into your calculations, though. Enter your ZIP code here to find and compare car insurance FREE of charge with our comparison tool below!

Making the Purchase

classified ads for classic carsWhenever possible, avoid carrying large amounts of cash with you. A cashier’s check works the same way that cash does, but protects both the buyer and the seller from criminal activities. Make it clear to the seller over the phone that you intend to pay with a cashier’s check. If they aren’t willing to accept that payment, then be suspicious.

After you’ve got payment terms worked out, make plans to inspect the car. Regardless of how good the car appears to be or sounds, making a purchase without an inspection is extremely foolhardy. Look for the same things in a collector car that you would in a normal car. Things such as body panels out of alignment, parts missing or even uneven tread wear could indicate that the car has seen a rough life. Look under the car at the space behind the rear wheels. Chunks of rubber stuck here might indicate that the car has been raced.

A good transaction with collector car classifieds depends on honesty with both parties to the deal, but it can be a great way to get a good deal on a vintage car, and is the best way to sell your collector car should you need to. To find the best deals on auto insurance for your classic car, be sure to enter your ZIP code into our FREE comparison tool below!

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