Japan: Toyota Plants in Good Shape
Toyota has released the latest information concerning their plants located in Japan that were hit by the earthquake. And they are reporting that the plants have escaped having massive structural damage. These plants will of course need repairs, but at this time the automaker is just thankful that the plants are not structurally unstable. This comes after the trouble that the automaker had just getting in contact with the plants once the earthquake had hit due to downed phone lines.
The company has sent out two trucks that are going to the communities of where the plants are located and giving out emergency supplies such as food, water, blankets and bringing portable toilets. Overall, the company is reporting that they had no deaths in the plant and that they should be able to get up and working soon.
The two plants that they were worried about did have minor damages. For example, one plant had a bit of the wall crumble and affect the pipes, however, this is not too serious compared to what it could be. In addition, the other plant did have a few of the stamping machines messed up when the quake hit. However, the company is concerned about the Primearth EV Energy Company plant that produced batteries as a joint venture between Toyota and Panasonic. The earthquake did some major damage at this plant and at this point they are still unsure what they are going to have to do in order to get it back into running shape. Other battery plants located in the country were not affected, to Toyota's relief.
It will still be some time before the automaker is up and running again in Japan, however, things could have been worse, much worse. So for that, the company is grateful that they were not as affected as other companies have been that have locations and plants in Japan.
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