Side Airbags Getting Changes
The federal government is taking a huge interest in the safety precautions that the auto market is installing into their vehicles. In particular, they are focusing on the side air bags that are becoming a more common feature in each vehicle that is on the market today. These side air bags are supposed to help protect the person should they be involved in a side crash or in the event that the vehicle rolls. However, the federal government is worried that these side air bags really aren't doing their job as well as they should be doing.
This is why the government is calling for side air bags to be much larger and the material that they are made with to be much stronger in order to handle these impacts better and make it more safe for those that are involved in a car accident. However, the main focus of the government right now is to be sure that these air bags perform satisfactory in a roll over.
According to statistics, there were around 8,000 people that were killed in roll over crashed in 2009. The government is hoping that by implementing these changes that they will save an estimated 400 lives every year, while preventing another 500 serious injuries. However, there are skeptics that the side air bags are going to make that big of a difference. Many argue that the stability program in the vehicles needs to be the main priority because this is what keeps the vehicles from rolling over. However, most car companies are listening to the government and starting to implement the changes that they suggested. It is estimated that the changes will start to be noticed by the public in 2013. While, it will be mandatory that these side air bags are in each and every vehicle configured to the standards set by the government by 2018. Those that are not heeding the advice of the government, will find that their cars will be deemed unsafe by the government.
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