Thief Proof Your Vehicle

There are many responsibilities and worries that come along with owning a vehicle. And one of these is the fact that the car could be stolen. And for those that think that this can never happen to the they should think again, as the majority of cars in the world have at one point or another been broken into with the intent to steal these or have been stolen. Of course, those that are driving a car that is not one that is really worth that much usually do not have much to worry about, unless the person is simply wanting something to drive until they run it out of gas. So what can a person do in order to make sure that they are doing whatever they can do in order to prevent their vehicle from being stolen? 

theft free car

Most of the tips to avoid having your car stolen are those that are rather common sense, but still everyday people make these errors that result in their car being stolen. First things first, always take your keys. Never leave the keys simply laying there while you run in to get something or something along that nature. It has been estimated that twenty percent of the cars stolen, the thieves actually use the keys that the person left in the car. Along the same line as this is to lock your doors. Almost half of thefts associated with vehicles are done to those cars that do not lock their doors. The reason for this is that they are much easier to get into without being noticed.

The person should also consider where they are parking. They should also try their best to park under a light or something along that nature when in a dark parking lot at night. This is because the thieve is not going to want to risk being seen in the light. And with that being said, the closer the person parks to the store or so forth, the less likely of a chance that their car will be stolen since there are bound to be people around the area that would see the thief.

Of course, a few other tidbits help to deter those thieves that could be wanting your car. For example, do not leave the valuable that you have in the car out in the open for all to see. You should also never leave your windows down since this is just inviting people to take a browse and take whatever it is that you have in the car. 

For those that may be parking their car for a long time, such as leaving their car in airport parking or so forth, they should take the extra precaution of removing valuable items, stereo face plates, and then making it where the car is not drivable. For example, undo the battery cables so that if the thief gets into the car, yet it does not start, they are going to leave. They are not going to take the time to be your mechanic and figure out what is wrong to get the car running again as this increases their chances of being caught.

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