The Volvo V60 Hybrid

Volvo has decided to produce an electric hybrid station wagon. The 2012 Volvo V60 can provide comfortable seating for five plus plenty of luggage space. This new hybrid will have a combined, electric and gas, fuel estimate of one hundred fifty miles. In addition, it can tow under four thousand pounds. 


The hybrid looks no different from its counterpart gasoline engine Volvo V60 2011 station wagon. Yes, there is a standard gasoline engine and one that is powered by electricity Volvo V60. The only apparent difference is that the hybrid has alloy wheels that are lightweight and rolling on eco tires. There is also a port for charging the car that can be found near the door of the driver. 


Another difference between the two is that the hybrid has a few extra switches that are fixed to the console in the center. The hybrid Volvo V60 also has leather upholstery that is specially designed and a load bay for that has been raised to hold the V60 battery pack with a lithium-ion twelve kilowatt battery. Unlike most of the electric hybrid cars, the hybrid gives the driver a dash board that is straight forward and clean unlike some of the others that have a very noticeable dash board that is complicated. When you are the driver you will see a display that is a digital analogue telling you the speed you are going, how much battery charge you have, estimated range you can go, and a fuel gauge. 


The gear selection for the driver is quite simple and instead of those selectors that are mounted on a console, the hybrid will have an automatic shifter mounted to the floor. When you climb into the Volvo V60 hybrid you have three main modes of operation. You can select which one by pushing a buttons on the console in the center. The three operational modes are Pure, Power, and Hybrid, and all three lets the car perform at it peak.

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