Where can I find some of the latest car reviews?

latest car reviewsWhen shopping for a new car, most people are simply going to the lot and taking the advice of the sales person. This is a very unwise move since prospective buyer is taking the word of someone that is trying to make a commission on the sale. Therefore, the buyer should take the time to research before starting their search. Otherwise, they could end up stuck with a payment that just reminds them of how much they hate this new car. To be sure not to hate your insurance company, enter your ZIP code into our FREE auto insurance comparison tool above!

One of the best ways that prospective buyers can do their research is by looking up car reviews. However, there are many factors to take into consideration:

  1. Many times the new car reviews that people are reading are not based on the actual new car, they will find that the author may take the previous year’s model information and simply add in the new year.
  2. When new car reviews are put out there, the person will find that it is usually after the car is ready to hit lots, thus they may not get much advance notice of what all the car will offer the consumer.

Where to Find Latest Car Reviews

When looking for the latest car reviews, the person will find that they have many options. However, one of the most popular options is looking online. The reason for the popularity is the fact that pretty much everyone has Internet access nowadays and can easily obtain this information, and secondly, because this information is available to them for free. A few websites to consider:

  1. Edmunds.com
  2. CarandDriver.com
  3. Cars.com
  4. MotorTrend.com

For those that are looking at other sources, they will find that many magazines that are devoted to the auto world are going to contain reviews on those cars that are impressing those that see them. They will find that these reviews are usually those that are based off of what the manufacturer is stating about the car and what they noticed for themselves at the auto show that the car debuted at. Some magazines to consider:

  1. Car and Driver
  2. Motor Trend

What Latest Car Reviews Will Contain

For those that are reading these car reviews, they are going to notice that the new car reviews may not contain as much information as those reviews about cars that have been on the market for a while. The reason for this is that most authors that are writing these pieces have not had the chance to drive one of these and give their opinion in this manner. Instead, they are basing their information on what the manufacturer has released via press releases. Some of the information that will be contained within the review:

  1. Engine Specifications
  2. Performance Ratings
  3. Size of new car, including exact dimensions
  4. The interior features
  5. Exterior features
  6. Things that have changed from the previous model
  7. Safety features
  8. Price
  9. Available trim levels if applicable

Information that New Car Reviews Will Not Contain

For those that are looking at these car reviews for the latest cars that are out there, they should be aware that these cars are so new that there are some things that the reviews will not contain:

  1. First hand experience in driving the car since it is so new to the market
  2. There will not be any opinions on the car as far as how it drive and performs, since once again the authors have not had the chance to do this testing themselves

Knowing How to Spot a Fake New Car Review

Since these new car reviews are going to be so new, it is important that people know what to do in order to make sure that they are not falling victim to a review that has been forged by the author of the piece. A few key signals that can show that the car review is a fact:

  1. The review seems to use the make, model and year many times throughout the piece yet never give any real information
  2. If the piece never states that the car was seen or driven, then chances are the piece is written by someone doing research using other people’s words or simply making this up
  3. If while reading the information seems to be a bit repetitive, then the person may want to check to make sure that the information is correct

How New Car Reviews Can Help

free new car reviewsThose that are serious about purchasing a new car are going to find that there are tons of new cars that are released and put onto the market throughout the year. So much so, that it can be a bit overwhelming to try and decide just which car is the best bet for you. The reviews that are out there can help to make the decision easier since the person can compare the facts before they buy. Those that do not compare the facts and simply go to the lot are at a much higher chance of getting a car that they are not happy with in the long run.

Overall, though it may take some time on the person’s part to go through these new car reviews and find one that they can use, they are going to find that it pays off tremendously in the end. To save even more money on auto insurance, enter your ZIP code into our FREE comparison tool below!

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